Coming soon: Human Resources Consulting Techniques with cards

Coming soon: Human Resources Consulting Techniques with cards
  • Duration:54h
  • Dedication:42 hours of theoretical and practical training spread over 12 weeks: 18 hours of online theoretical classes distributed in 12 modules. 24 hours of live practical sessions with the trainers to practice and resolve doubts. 6 supervision sessions for 6 months
  • Type:Course
  • Site:Online
  • Level:3
  • Course Language:Castellano
  • Has certification:Yes
Coming soon: Human Resources Consulting Techniques with cards

About this course


  • Know your own talents in depth to establish yourself as an internal or external human resources consultant.


  • Learn how to use images to address the main problems in people management in organizations.


  • To have supervised support in your interventions in the organization.


  • To be able to contribute to promoting professional well-being in organizations.


From our point of view, the person who is able to facilitate a session to contribute to a significant transformation in other people's lives, has the ability to:

  • Know how to understand what clients have in their head (what we call “their narrative”: how they think, what their experience of time is like (do they live in the past, present or future), how they see themselves, how they explain what what happens to them, what makes them happy and what blockages their experience.
  • Know how to help broaden their perspectives, so that the person realizes more things, finds other possibilities, new understandings, new paths and solutions.
  • Know how to listen to the subconscious: what the needs, wounds, blockages, values ​​and deepest desires are.
  • Know how to understand states of lack, when the person feels alone or abandoned, or needs protection, or feels rejected, betrayed, humiliated or victim of injustice.
  • Know how to understand what the essence of a person's talent is: what their strengths are due to the way they function, how they think, how they relate to others, how they perceive the environment, what their desire for service is.
  • Know how to put into service one's own capacity for perception, observation, intuition and sensitivity. Know how to differentiate observable facts from opinions and sensations.
  • Know how to facilitate with a clean and luminous look, because an inner look has been previously done and it has already been cleaned, healed and repaired. It is a look that sees the other person without the interference of one's own blind spots.
  • Know how to accompany emotions: facilitate emotional connection, awareness of emotions and thoughts, their expression, facilitate the release of emotion when it is too intense. Be in touch with the deepest empathy and healthy emotional distance.
  • Know how to go from the abstract to the concrete so that the person can take action and materialize significant changes.
  • Know how to connect the mundane with the emotional and spiritual, and facilitate enough openness so that what the person needs can fit and happen in a session.
  • Know how to hold the space (physical or virtual) in which the transformation occurs. Have the necessary presence so that the facilitation is safe, both in individual and group formats, both in person and in a virtual environment.
  • Know how to maximize their own voice as a facilitator. They take care of their being, body, mind and spirit. They cultivate their interior space, their environment and their relational space. Knowing one's own talents and strengths, and making the most of it in the service of that which makes others vibrate, brings fulfillment and inspires others. There are many areas in which people transform lives: psychotherapy, personal growth groups, listening to young people, consulting and organizational development... and it is good to know in depth one's own natural environment in which each one can contribute its transformation potential.

In this course, participants train these skills, to be able to do all this with the help of the Talent Cards, the Introspekt associative cards.


What will you get?

  1. Individual and group: You get many attractive, powerful, exciting dynamics with which to complement your individual or group sessions, for all levels in a company.
  2. Versatility: You get a tool for those moments when you need a change of heart, get someone out of a limiting emotion or narrative, discover a block or identify their strengths and talents (among other things).
  3. Speed: You have at hand, when it suits you, a process accelerator that is always respectful of your client's level of consciousness.
  4. Online: You have a magnificent resource for your remote sessions, to maintain client connection and commitment even from a distance. Also a box with images for your in-person sessions. It is the same method although with different aspects depending on the format.
  5. Increased sensitivity: You train your perceptive capacity, your intuition and your sensitivity. And therefore your ability to connect and help.
  6. Community: You will be able to share the “intervisions” with other professionals, who can enrich and give you perspective on the processes in which you choose to delve deeper.
  7. Differentiation: The use of the method enhances the unique combination that is your voice, your channel, what makes you different and unique. And that leads you to the recognition and results you want.

Meet your instructors

Rosa Oliveras
Rosa Oliveras

Introspekt Founder

Organizational Psychologist & Introspekt Lead-Trainer

Course program

You will train your skills to use the Introspekt Talent Cards to:

  • Know how to identify competencies and how to develop them. We will start by knowing your talents in depth in which to strengthen yourself as a human resources consultant.
  • Know how to help in decision making.
  • Know how to improve communication.
  • Know how to help resolve conflicts between two people.
  • Know how to help resolve conflicts between two departments.
  • Know how to help a team cohere.
  • Know how to identify mission, vision and values.
  • Know how to treat stress and anxiety.
  • Know how to detect deep motivations and how to rekindle motivation in people.
  • Know how to help improve a person's efficiency.
  • Know how to help improve a work process.
  • Know how to improve self-leadership.
  • Know how to improve leadership.
  • Know how to accompany change.
  • Know how to analyze a project in its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  • How to make a selection of personnel with the help of images.

Are you interested?
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Waiting room

Waiting room

We open registration a couple of times a year. If you want to receive priority notification when we reopen the call, enter your information below. We work with a limited number of seats, secure yours.

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